October News Review.

Click here for the latest News Review: on Patient Safety, Infection Control, Home Testing and more.


Cleancatch urine: crucial for an accurate UTI test.

LiveUTIFree, a US patient advocacy group for urological health has published a candid article about the diagnostic process for UTI.

The elusive cleancatch sample is essential for accurate diagnosis, yet is often overlooked.

Read why they believe Peezy Midstream is the answer to more diligent urological diagnoses.

Cleancatch urine: crucial for an accurate UTI test.


Preventative practice: why change is needed.

Giovanna explains how prevention has slipped from top of the health agenda to be replaced by treatment, an apparent priority approach. However, if multiple burdens on the NHS and our labs are to be reduced, change is needed now. Read what she has to say here.

MedTech Integrates takes place online, Tuesday 15th October. Giovanna will speak on Femtech: Innovation & opportunity.

Urology Awareness Month: end failed urine tests!

September is Urology Awareness Month: call for an end to failed urine tests!

Protocol for urine collection needed now more than ever.
Preventative practice in the most overlooked area of female medicine is being ignored to the detriment of millions of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) sufferers. The biggest problem behind untreated UTI is the lack of protocol for the collection of clean-catch specimen, leading to failed diagnosis and treatment, chronic pain, days off work and misery for millions of women.

Peezy Midstream is the closest collection method to a protocol, capturing pure midstream urine, which is what laboratories want.

Read our press release here.