
Forte Medical has introduced precision and reduced costs attached to routine and specialist urinary diagnostics.

Urine has diagnostic parity with blood, yet there is no protocol for its reliable and hygienic collection, essential when accuracy is important.

Having launched Peezy Midstream to meet the needs of women’s UTI and antenatal health screening, the Forte Medical Team is now working on important new urine collection systems to satisfy diagnostic and screening standards for early stage cancers, sports dope testing and evidential forensic medicine.

The Journey


In 2002, Dr. Vincent Forte, a Medical Author and British NHS Primary Care and Forensic Physician

noted that diagnosis and treatment for women’s Urinary Tract infection (UTI) was unreliable, undignified and unhygienic, leading to repeat appointments, repeat laboratory tests and unnecessary prescribing. His invention tackles incumbent failures to address right-first-time practice. Evidence-based Peezy Midstream is proven to reduce specimen contamination to as low as 0% in GP surgery, with up to 66% savings on lab costs.


Peezy Midstream stops healthcare budgets being flushed away and protects women from unnecessary antibiotics

Between 34% – 60% of women presenting with UTI are prescribed antibiotics before diagnosis is confirmed. The practice of empirical antibiotic treatment across the world not only puts women on the frontline of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), but can impact pregnancy and exacerbate cognitive issues in the elderly, risking preventable hospitalisation.


In solving the problem, Vincent won two national healthcare innovation awards.

Vincent invited his sister Giovanna Forte a business consultant to lead product and company development, while he remained a full-time NHS Primary Care and Forensic Physician. Peezy Midstream is still winning awards; the most recent in September 2024 is from the Bladder & Bowel Association, judged by clinical specialists and patients.

Steps arrow

Watch this short film from Vincent about how and why he invented Peezy Midstream and where we are going next here

The Team

Giovanna Forte

Co-Founder and CEO
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Dr Vincent Forte

Co-Founder/Medical Director, part time
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Owen Jones

Operations Manager
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Adam Mumford

Company Director
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Philip Kennedy

Non-Executive Director and Shareholder
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Aahuti Rai

Strategic Consultant
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