How to Have Fun At Work: Giovanna talks with Funny Women

Giovanna Forte discusses Transferable Skills with the indefatigable founder of Funny Women, Lynne Parker and wedding guru Lily Jones.

Listen to the Podcast here.

International Women’s Day 2022: Been There Done That interview with Giovanna Forte

On International Women’s Day, Giovanna Forte, CEO of Forte Medical kicks off Series 2 of Been There Done That, a show from broadcaster Susan Osman, highlighting women who have overcome life’s challenges with dignity, humour and tenacity.

GIRFT Pathology Report: low midstream urine sample submission to labs

The recentlly published GIRFT Pathology National Speciality Report recommends that NHS and laboratory providers audit urine collection methods to meet higher sample standards.

“On our deep dives [we found] that some labs had low levels of MSU submissions … and significant variation in rejection rates for urine samples for microbiology analysis.” the report states.

“We found a six-fold variation in the rejection of urine samples from primary care and in some places 5-7% of urine samples were rejected. There was greater unwarranted variation in samples from trusts, where we found a ten-fold variation in rejection rates, with several trusts rejecting over 10% of these samples.”

A summary of the report and download can be accessed here.

UTI: lack of urine collection protocol leads to female health misery

“Urine testing is an area of increasing importance in the medical diagnosis of common conditions such as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and antenatal screening for healthy pregnancies,” says Giovanna Forte, CEO of Forte Medical. “Yet there is no protocol for its collection, leading to inaccurate diagnoses and treatment as well as untold misery for millions of women every day.”

Read our Women’s Health Briefing for a detailed look at the issues behind untreated UTI in Primary Care and antenatal settings.


Government calls on women to spill the beans on female health issues.

Forte Medical is routinely contacted by women whose UTI issues are left untreated or ignored by their GP. They describe being prescribed broad spectrum antibiotics that don’t work, followed by repeat prescriptions given without a specimen culture to identify the problem. Shockingly many are told the problem is “in your head” … the time has come to speak out.

MedTech20: Gordon Andersen interviews Giovanna Forte

Healthcare innovation, prevention and why the most common diagnostic process is overlooked. Gordon Andersen of AG Executive Selection and Search interviews Giovanna Forte. Watch here:

Entrepreneur interview live on LinkedIn with Amanda Thomson

Giovanna Forte was pleased and proud to be Amanda Thomson’s first guest on her new Interviews with Entrepreneurs on LinkedIn Live. Click here to listen to the 20 minute conversation.


Forte on FemTech opportunity at MedTech Integrates

Femtech: Innovation and Opportunity was one of the highlights of the inaugural MedTech Integrates. Chaired by Economic Development Consultant Linda di Mario, taking in the impact of overlooked female healthcare to the economy and more, FemTech provided lively debate. Taking part were Giovanna Forte, Karen Taylor the Deloitte Centre for Health Solutions, Elena Mustatea of Bold Health and Angela Hobbs of Wilkinson Hall. Read all about it here.

USA: Patients can buy Peezy Midstream directly

Owen Mumford Inc, our Sales and Distribution partner has met growing demand from patients for direct access to Peezy Midstream. The evidence-based, gold standard urine collection kit is now available to patients through Total Diabetes Care.

“I wish Peezy was an NHS standard.”

I am 30 weeks pregnant and have used Peezy Midstream to collect my urine samples. As I get bigger I really appreciate how easy it is to use compared to the usual cardboard bowl. I wish the NHS provided Peezy Midstream as an antenatal standard.” Cordelia McKinley, Northern Ireland.