Urine the money: £240,000 raised with CrowdCube

Forte Medical is thrilled to have reached a £239,980 investment through CrowdCube.

“The fundraising process with CrowdCube was simple, straightforward, effective and quick,” says Giovanna Forte, our CEO. “After dealing with so-called investment brokers who demand fees and then raise no investment at all, with Angel Groups who dismissed our opportunity in a nano-second and VCs who rarely dignified an enquiry with a response, CrowdCube has been a breath of fresh air. Every member of the Team who looked after us was responsive, encouraging, supportive and efficient. I can’t recommend them highly enough to fundraising SMEs. ”

Investment raising has been tough; pre-Covid Forte Medical was on the brink of a £1m investment with an Angel syndicate. When our revenues disappeared along with the suspension of point of care testing in March 2020, so did the Syndicate. There followed a period of engagement with various fundraising entities, including snake-oil “brokers” who charge an upfront fee but achieve nothing.

“The last three years have been incredibly difficult,” adds Giovanna. “It is thanks entirely to our loyal shareholders that we have been able to remodel the business, welcome the return of our traditional market and say a Big Hello to start-ups heralding the emerging tech market of remote, digital UTI diagnostics that require an accurate specimen from which to produce their near-instant diagnostic analyses.”

Our Fortetude has kept us working through thick and thin and we are now poised to grow and reward shareholders existing and new, with healthy returns.

Nietzsche  may not have alluded to businesses with his famous quote, but it couldn’t be more apposite: Out of life’s school of war—what doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.

We’re fundraising with CrowdCube!

Forte Medical is fundraising with CrowdCube. Investment raised will help us transform point of care testing for women, the world over.

If you or a loved one has suffered from Urinary Tract Infection, or struggled to provide a gold-standard midstream urine sample when pregnant, our mission at Forte Medical is to transform the process into one that is accurate, dignified and hygienic, because we are committed to patient centric point of care testing.

Dr Vincent Forte, NHS GP of over 20 years, Forensic Physician and Medical author (retired) outlines why he invented Peezy Midstream here.

Peezy Midstream is designed to transform women’s routine point of care testing, moving away from hit-and-miss urine collection to precision analysis and right-first-time diagnosis for Urinary Tract Infection and prenatal screening. Peezy Midstream underpins accuracy and integrity for both traditional and emerging digital and AI systems. Rubbish in, rubbish out. If you don’t get the right specimen, all the clever diagnostic technology won’t produce the best results, whether traditional or digital.

Our next ambition is to mirror this achievement with new devices designed to assist early stage cancer diagnoses, Sexually Transmitted Infections, evidential forensic medicine and sports dope testing with Peezy First Stream and Peezy Twin Stream.  This raise will help us thrive in our home markets and wider export territories. We manufacture in the UK with Boddingtons.

Click this link to our CrowdCube page to find out more.

Risk warning: this is a high risk investment please spend two minutes with CrowdCube to learn more before investing.

Is the NHS Value Based Procurement programme designed for us?

Forte Medical is delighted to learn of the new NHS Value Based Procurement programme. This welcome initiative presents a transformed procurement landscape for Peezy Midstream, the evidence-based device that is shown to significantly reduce retesting and false positives sent unnecessarily to the lab, whilst improving analysis, diagnosis and treatment for women’s urological and prenatal point of care screening.

Peezy Mistream is designed also to improve patient care, infection control, reduced antibiotic prescribing … and better financial health for our NHS.

On which note, it is encouraging to read that no longer will a race to the cheapest priced product be the basis of assessment of value, with some reference to environmental impact, business model and supply chain resilience. The coming new dawn will, for the first time in years, see patient experiences and outcomes at the heart of the process.

Products that improve those outcomes will be scored higher, even if their price is higher – something which is hardly surprising for better, innovative products – and there will also be score boosts for those products that reduce relapses and so remove steps from the patient pathway, saving clinical time and freeing up resources, and so reducing overall system costs.

Read the full story at MedTech Insights from Whitehouse Communications.

Enterpreneurship: women CAN have it all. Just not all at the same time.

Our CEO Giovanna Forte was invited to deliver a talk about Entrepreneurship to students at her alma mater, Mayfield School for Girls. Speaking alongside counterpart professionals from the RAF, Charities Sector, Army and Structural Engineering, Giovanna outlined the core values of entrepreneurship: changemaking, the realisation of savvy well researched ideas, challenging the status-quo and independence.

Giovanna says: Entrepreneurship stimulates creativity and development both personal and societal; it is often responsible for introducing evolved, flexible and better ways of being. Living a life full of flexibility and opportunity can be ideal for 21stC women, whose responsiblities around homemaking, parenting and business can be oneous … but certainly not impossible. We CAN have it all. Just not all at the same time.

This article from Forbes confirms that women-founded enterprises tend to outperform their male counterparts. For those of you thinking about launching you own business, it is worth a read.

Film: Dr Vincent Forte on why and how Peezy Midstream transforms urological health.

When Dr Vincent Forte asked a female patient for a urine sample, she returned to his surgery with a wet bottle and red face. Vincent took her issues seriously … and invented Peezy Midstream, the only urine collection device in the world that captures a reliable clean-catch sample leaving the patient with clean, dry hands and dignity intact. Moreover, clinical outcomes for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) are significantly improved, unnecessary prescribing is reduced … and patients love the hygiene and dignity.

Hear what Vincent has to say in this short film.

Film credit: Luto Research

Forte Medical Co-Founder: Trailblazing Leader in Women’s Health

Giovanna Forte, our very own CEO and co-founder of Forte Medical has been nominated a Trailblazing Leader in Women’s Health by Women of Wearables, the female-led organisation that promotes just just the women doing the work but their work that is transforming health for millions of women.

Giovanna co-funded the business together with her brother Dr Vincent Forte BA (Cantab), MBBS (Lond), MRCGP, MSc, DA and has led it from single product company transforming women’s urological and prenatal health, to one developing a suite of world-first urine collection systems designed to improve precision diagnostics for all urological conditions from Urinary Tract Infection and Prenatal Screening to early stage cancer diagnoses, STI and evidential forensic medicine.

Read more here.

Medical devices can help prevent sepsis and the rise of AMR

“With between 15 and 20% of cases in high income countries being caused by urinary tract infection, and with resistance to first-line treatment among the most common urinary pathogens running as high as 50% in some regions, any product which improves diagnostic accuracy will not only improve outcomes for individual patients but is also likely to help us counter the threat of AMR,” says Dr Ron Daniels BEM, Founder and joint CEO of The Sepsis Trust.

“Sepsis is a condition responsible for 1 in 5 deaths worldwide. Sepsis is the final common pathway to death from most infectious diseases. It is intrinsically interlinked with antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and lack of diagnostic accuracy hampers efforts not only to treat sepsis but also to deliver responsible antimicrobial stewardship.”

Evidence based Peezy Midstream is one of these devices.  Designed by Dr Vincent Forte, NHS GP for over 20 years, Forensic Physician and medical author to improve women’s urological health it enjoyed ten years of rigorous R&D before entering the market in 2015, generating significant excellent evidence around reduced retesting, reduced prescribing and transformed patient outcomes. #notjustaproduct!

Are women on the AMR frontline due to poor UTI & prenatal urine specimen collection?

Failure to ensure midstream urine collection for urinary tract infection (UTI) and prenatal urine collection combined with failure of clinicians to identify problem bacteria before prescribing, leads to unnecessary or badly targeted antibiotics being prescribed to between 34%-60% of women presenting with UTI – thats between 5.1m – 9m women annually.

Is failure to meet AMR stewardship guideines putting women on the frontline of antimicrobial resistance?

Read the highlights, with reference sources, here.

Accelerate to Excel: why does only 2% of investment reach female founders?

The Entrepreneur’s Network/Beauhurst Accelerate to Excel report highlights the woeful 2% of investment reaching female founders.

Female-founded businesses often last longer and are more successful than those of their male counterparts. The question is: why does this remain the status quo? Like Tessa Clarke of Olio featured in The Observer, Giovanna Forte our CEO has frequently encountered the same unedifying “wall of men”.

Forte Medical seeks £1m investment to bring a gold standard to women’s urological and prenatal health in healthcare and home settings; in the three years since Covid removed turnover and investment interest, Forte Medical has reshaped, now ready to relaunch and transform routine healthcare for women, tackle rising cases of uro-sepsis and urology-related antimicrobial resistance.

Investors: work with us to grow globally, save lives … and see excellent returns.

Womens UTI and maternal health: fact sheet

Global guidance specifies midstream urine (MSU) for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) and prenatal screening, yet there is no protocol to ensure guidelines are met, leading to unreliable samples, contaminated with bacteria and flora washed from the skin into the urine sample creating an unreliable diagnostic outcome and flushing taxpayer money down the loo.

Peezy Midstream delivers a much needed protocol for urine collection. Designed by a Doctor, Made in the UK.

  • UTI is a significant cause of death accounting for 4835 deaths in England and Wales in 2012
  • Unplanned hospital admissions for UTI cost the NHS nearly £400m to treat
  • For 34-60% of people diagnosed with UTI, antibiotics are prescribed before their diagnosis can be confirmed by the laboratory
  • 7 million antibiotic items were prescribed in primary care in 2019/20 to treat lower UTI at a cost of £47.6 million, and 41% (2.73 million) of these antibiotics were prescribed to people aged 70+ years

Read the full fact sheet here.