Midstream urine: the unsung hero of accurate diagnoses

Global online publisher news-medical.net interviewed Giovanna last year about the development and purpose of Peezy Midstream, the invention designed by NHS GP Dr Vincent Forte, her brother.

They have told us it has had thousands of hits and recently took the trouble to updated the piece, which you can read on the link below.

Midstream urine collection: an interview with Giovanna Forte

Thank you news-medical.net

Professor James Barlow

Accurate ketone analysis with Peezy Midstream

I have used a number of Peezy Midstreams and they are great. It certainly makes testing my ketones so much less messy and more hygienic.

The instructions are straightforward. The first one I was unable to take a big enough sample from but after that it’s been straightforward. It will certainly give a more accurate reading in pregnancy and is so easy to use with the majority of patients. In Derby Hospital they give me a cardboard pot with my name on to use and can have it sitting in the sampling room for sometime; I had to remind them on my last visit that my sample was still waiting to be checked after half an hour. ”

Philippa, ten weeks pregnant with acute sickness up to 20 times daily.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is a severe form of Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy (NVP). Read more about it at MamaAcademy