Peezy Twin Stream

Sports dope testing and evidential forensic medicine require identical samples from the same stream.

In these delicate and often public situations, accuracy is paramount. An official must see urine leave the body of the person being tested; the urine stream is then split into two vessels, creating A and B samples, the latter of which is frozen in case of future doubt as to the outcome of A testing.

Peezy Twin Stream makes the process hygienic, dignified for all parties and dramaticallly reduces risk of specimen contamination or tampering.

We are discussing collaborations with leading partners in both sports dope and evidential forensic testing. If you are interested in this project, please contact us.

The pitfalls of other urine collection methods


Current collection methods expose genitalia of the person providing the sample to the official witnessing urine leaving the body.


Urine from this cup is then split into two by way of decanting by the provider leaving the specimen vulnerable to tampering or contamination. This latter issue could cause problematic outcomes and potential abuse of human rights.


This process can invite contamination is vulnerable to tampering, is potentially messy and certainly undignified.

Why are two samples needed for these tests?

The outcome of forensic and sports testing can impact the person being tested in serious ways and must be accurate and supported by a “spare” sample in the event that there is an issue with the first.

  • A sample
    of 65ml volume
    is used for
    first-line testing.

  • The B sample of 25ml is frozen and used in the event of dispute or confirmation of first-line screening.

How we’re overcoming the pitfalls of other urine collection methods

Peezy Twin Stream will collect both volumes, making delivery of the necessary samples more dignified. If you are interested in working with us on evaluation, user experience and outcomes, please contact us.

Forte Medical is engaging with top-tier professionals working in the areas of forensic and sports dope screening, to ensure the design meets all essential criteria for global use.